Monday, September 29, 2014

Motivational Mondays 9.26.14: Running Outfit

Hello, Sweetie.

So. Last week I promised you outfit. This week, you can have it.

Though I'm not sure I really want to give it to you.

I know I look good. I know.
It's not even that I look that terrible. I am okay with my body, and I don't feel too insecure about it. Most of the time.

It's just that I feel like once I put on the Adidas shirt with the mesh sides, the weird shorts that are way to short, and the shoes that I would never wear in public…I feel like once I put all of that on, I will become the kind of person I've never been, and never wanted to be.

In my opinion, there are more important things in life than fitness and sports. Now, I'm not against it, but It gets on my nerves when people become completely hyper focused on, well, mainly sports.

See, where I live, you are nothing if you don't play sports. I'm homeschooled now, but when I went to public school, it was hard, because I am not a sporty person. So, because I didn't share that common interest with everyone else, I was outcast (there were other reasons, too, but, you know).

So I am a bit prejudiced as far as what wearing this makes me look like.

And I know that what I wear won't change who I am. I know that I'll be the same person whether I'm wearing this ridiculous running getup, my favorite Matisyahu t-shirt, or one of my medieval gowns. And I know that even what this makes me look like doesn't matter. What other people think can't define me.

But it's hard. It's hard to become something that I've never wanted to be.

So. There y'are. This post was a bit more…you know…serious, than normal.

But at any rate, goodbye.


Friday, September 26, 2014

Thursday Complaints 9.26.14: Bad Hair Day feat. Mom

Halloo! Welcome to Thursday Complaints!

'Cept, it's not actually Thursday. It's Friday.

I'm sorry!

This has been, like, 'week of the late posts'.

But anyway, here ya go.

Pre-Run Griping:

Midpoint Pain:

Post-Run Misery:


Monday, September 22, 2014

Motivational Monday 9.22.14: Terrain Complain

You know what sucks?


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It would be very, very nice if it was self-evident that you maintained the same pace at all points during your run.

Instead, you end up accidentally going to fast on the way down the hill (it's pretty darn inconvenient), and then slowing down when you get to flat ground (that's the easy part), and then feeling like you're trying to scale a cliff when you have to go back up the hill (kill me now).

Oh, yeah, and while I'm complaining, has anyone else had the whole 'not-being-able-to-breathe' problem? Like, It really starts to hurt, and I get panicked, and then I can't breathe, and then thinking about the fact that I can't breathe just makes it harder to breathe, and it is an altogether unpleasant experience.

Advice would be appreciated.

(P.S. Coming next week: an analysis of my horrific running attire (but this time it's new))




Wait a minute, are there people who actually read this rubbish?

That's weird to think about.

But at any rate,

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Saturday-Is-Playlist-Day #2

Sorry this is late! On Saturday I was at a memorial service for my great-grandfather. But anyway, have your late playlist!

1. Resistance, by Muse

2. All Is Whole, by Whitley

3. Orion (Instrumental), by Metallica

4. Lazy Eye, by Silversun Pickups

5. Animal Rights, by deadmau5

(oh, hey, let's play a game. It's called 'spot the metal song'.)

(It couldn't be the one my Metallica, could it?)


(Just to clarify, I don't really like metal, but for running, my dad swears by that song)

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Thursday Complaints 9.18.14: Rad Outfit

It's Complaint Thursday again. Brace yourselves.

Note: I own no running clothes whatsoever. Hence, the very strange, ugly, and atypical outfit that you see on my body.

Pre-Run Griping:

Midpoint Pain:

Post-Run Misery:


Monday, September 15, 2014

Motivational Monday 9.8.14: Lady Problems

Note: If you're a dude, this is not gonna be very applicable, but not particularly graphic, either. You just might not care.

Hello, internet-friends.

This week, there was a complication.

I started my cycle.

It happens, it happens. It is most definitely not pleasant, but infinitely less so when you have to go on a run.

Not, I'll start with saying that I do not have characteristically unpleasant periods. Usually, they're pretty mild. I don't get very sick, or get a lot of cramps, or other unpleasant things that other women have more of a problem with. The worst thing that usually happens to me is that I always get two or three zits directly on the tip of my nose. But that's it.

But this week, I had to go on a run. I forgot about the whole cycle thing until I was already running, or else I would have pleaded 'lady time' and my dad might not have made me go. But I didn't. So five minutes into the run, my abdomen exploded with pain.

Cramps. Cramps is what happened. Cramps. Bloody, bloody cramps. Awful, movement-incapacitating cramps. I literally could not run. So I hobbled to my regular turning point, and hobbled back.

I'll have you know, as well, that the cramps did not go away for the entire rest of the bloody day. I hardly moved, because every time I even twitched, pain stabbed through my gut.

Moral of the story: Never, ever, ever, ever run while on your cycle. Ever. Unless…well, no. Nothing short of the TARDIS landing in my yard could cause me to do that again.

Of course, in case of TARDIS, I might be on my cycle, have two broken legs, a sprained ankle, the flu, a headache, and have been shot several times, and I would still sprint for it. But, c'est la vie.

That's all for today.



Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thursday Complaints 9.11.14: Hello

First of all, it's 9/11. So that really sucks. In fact, I will put nothing but ellipses for three lines in remembrance of those who died. Because dying sucks, and it shouldn't happen nearly as often as it does.

Now, on to the Thursday Complaints. I'm hesitantly planning on updating Cramps three times a week: Motivational Mondays, Thursday Complaints, and then Saturday-Is-Playlist-Day. It is obviously Thursday. Here are three short videos of me complaining.

Pre-Run Griping:

Midpoint Pain:

Post-Run Misery:

Thanks for tolerating.


Monday, September 8, 2014

Motivational Monday 9/8/14: "Run!"


This is my first post on this blog. Hopefully it goes well. But, knowing me...well, it might not.

I will start by telling you the circumstances of this forced physical activity.

A few weeks ago, my brother Moses decided that he was going to be a goody-goody and excersize!

His plan was to do pushups and runs on alternate days.

This went quite well (for him).

But then my parents decided, oh, fitness, we want you to be healthy, and Jada needs to run too!

So four days ago I was sitting peacefully in my chair, strumming on my guitar (I had decided to learn how to play 'The Scientist', by Coldplay), when my father comes up to me and says,

"Don't eat anything. We are going on a run."

I fiercely objected, my argument containing the points

  • But I'm hungry.
  • We tried this before. I don't run.
  • I walk with my feet turned unnaturally far outwards, it hurts my ankles to run.
  • I do not feel good thinking about running.
  • I do not feel good while I am running.
  • I do not feel good after I am finished running.
  • Running does not make me feel good.
  • I can ride my bike! I like to ride my bike!
  • What's the big deal, anyway? I've been drinking water lately and I'm not fat.
  • Well, not really.
  • Also, you said you wouldn't make me run after we tried it before!

Among others.

Did he listen? Noooooope.

You see, my father is obsessed with running, chiefly so after he read some kind of book about how humans are born to run and whatever mumbo-jumbo people who enjoy running want to hear. So, since he likes to run, he has this absurd idea that everyone should like to run.

This is not the case.

But, as I was brainstorming possible ways to checkmate him in the argument, something came to me.

It was one word. It was the first word of my beloved 9th Doctor, in fact.

The word was "Run!"

I love Doctor Who, and I maintain a belief that, someday, the Doctor will come for me. But being with the Doctor...well, it involves a lot of running. And, as I see it, the only good thing that could possibly come out of this experience is that, when the Doctor comes for me, I will be able to keep up.

So this is a blog about running, as blogged by a fifteen-year-old nerd girl who loves to read and hates to run.

This blog will probably contain

  1. Complaints about my running experiences
  2. Examples of things that make running less horrendous.
  3. Playlists of music for running, because apparently it helps
  4. Small, short stories that illustrate why I hate to run.
  5. And inspiration from various nerdy places.

So, welcome to Cramps. I hope you enjoy your brief stay.

Thank you.
